
Tuesday 18 March 2014


Vintage Car Museum, Wax World Museum

Vintage Car Museum

Ashvek Vintage World is a Vintage Car Museum situated in Nuvem, Salcete, Goa. It is Goa's first and only vintage car museum that showcases over a dozen vintage cars sourced from Goa or neighboring areas like Kholapur, Belgam and Sawantwadi.

Situated on the Panaji – Madgaon highway, the Ashvek Vintage World museum was set up by Pradeep Naik to spread awareness about vintage cars amongst the youth. It takes up restoration and preservation of vintage cars and some of the cars restored here are in excellent working condition and can be hired out for weddings, movie shoots or simply for joy rides. 

At the Vintage Car museum one can see models such as the Chevrolet Fleet master that was popular in the 1930's America as Mafia staff car, Mercedes Benz 170 of 1939 vintage which was actually used in the movie Sea Wolves Morris Van Essex (1924), Ford V8, Peugeot 301, Austin 1928 and the Morris 8. 

The museum also displays the Vidal Tempo of 1936 sourced from the Maharaja of Sawantwadi that is one of the most interesting one built as command car of the Nazi army. It is the car with two engines - the only in the world and is also the world's first four wheel drive Ashvek Vintage World is a Vintage Car Museum situated in Nuvem, Salcete, Goa. It is Goa's first and only vintage car museum that showcases over a dozen vintage cars sourced from Goa or neighboring areas like

The Ashvek Vintage World is also a pioneer in organizing vintage car rallies in Goa. The money sourced from restoration and preservation is reinvested in maintaining new and existing cars. The museum is open all days from 9am to 6pm except for Sundays.

Wax World Museum

Old Goa is the home to India's second wax museum. Each figurine is carefully sculpted of paraffin wax; the hair used is natural, although the eyes and teeth are artificial. 

The museum has over 30 life-size, statues of famous personalities of Indian culture, heritage and religion. One of the main attractions is the sculpting of the 'last supper' which is 22 feet in length and weights 500 kilos.

A guide talks you through the statues at the musuem, and explains who the statues are of, what they represent and how long it took to make the sculpture. The guided tour is in English and Hindi. Other main attractions include Mahatma Gandhi, Radha Krishna and Bethlehem.

There is a statue called 'say no to drugs' which shows you the side effects of taking drugs and this really brings the concept to life.

The is a small gift shop where one can purchase candles of various designs and shapes and smells.

Entry costs 30 Rupees and 10 for cameras.
Some wax museums have a special section dubbed the 'chamber of horrors' in which the more grisly exhibits are displayed. Some collections are more specialized, as for example collections of wax medical models once used for training medical professionals. Many museums or displays in historical houses that are not wax museums as such use wax figures as part of their displays. The origin of wax museums goes back to the early 18th century at least, and wax funeral effigies of royalty and some other figures exhibited by their tombs had essentially been tourist attractions well before that.A wax museum or waxworks usually consists of a collection of wax sculptures representing famous people from history and contemporary personalities exhibited in lifelike poses, wearing real clothes.
The making of life-size wax figures wearing real clothes grew out of the funeral practices of European royalty. In the Middle Ages it was the habit to carry the corpse, fully dressed, on top of the coffin at royal funerals, but this sometimes had unfortunate consequences in hot weather, and the custom of making an effigy in wax for this role grew, again wearing actual clothes so that only the head and hands needed wax models. After the funeral these were often displayed by the tomb or elsewhere in the church, and became a popular attraction for visitors, which it was often necessary to pay to view.
The museum of Westminster Abbey in London has a collection of British royal wax effigies going back to that of Edward III of England (died 1377), as well as those of figures such as the naval hero Horatio Nelson, and Frances Stewart, Duchess of Richmond, who also had her parrot stuffed and displayed. From the funeral of Charles II in 1680 they were no longer placed on the coffin but were still made for later display. The effigy of Charles II, open-eyed and standing, was displayed over his tomb until the early 19th century, when all the Westminster effigies were removed from the abbey itself. Nelson's effigy was a pure tourist attraction, commissioned the year after his death in 1805, and his burial not in the Abbey but in St Paul's Cathedral after a government decision that major public figures should in future be buried there. Concerned for their revenue from visitors, the Abbey decided it needed a rival attraction for admirers of Nelson.

In European courts including that of France the making of posed wax figures became popular. Antoine Benoist (1632–1717) was a French court painter and sculptor in wax to King Louis XIV. He exhibited forty-three wax figures of the French Royal Circle at his residence in Paris. Thereafter, the king authorized the figurines to be shown throughout France. His work became so highly regarded that James II of Englandinvited him to visit England in 1684. There he executed works of the English king and members of his court. A seated figure of Peter the Great of Russia survives, made by an Italian artist, after the Tsar was impressed by the figures he saw at the Chateau of Versailles. The Danish court painter Johann Salomon Wahl executed figures of the Danish king and queen in about 1740
The 'Moving Wax Works of the Royal Court of England', a museum or exhibition of 140 life-size figures, some apparently with clockwork moving parts, opened by Mrs Mary in Fleet Street in London was doing excellent business in 1711. Philippe Curtius, waxwork modeller to the French court, opened his Cabinet de Cire as a tourist attraction in Paris in 1770, which remained open until 1802. In 1783 this added a Caverne des Grandes Voleurs ("Cave of the Great Thieves"), an early "Chamber of Horrors". He bequeathed his collection to his protegé Marie Tussaud, who during the French Revolution made death masks of the executed royals.

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